Message from the Mt. Carmel 28th year memorial

Hello and welcome to the 28th Mt Carmel memorial on this April 19th 2021. It’s hard to believe that it was 28 years ago that saw a series of events take place that would shine a light on the arrogance and abuse of power that lead the BATF and FBI to completely destroy a religious community effecting thousands of lives and changing the very fabric of the United States of America. 

Every day for 51 day’s on live television America was overwhelmed with propaganda and negative conditioning that attempted to change and control the very thoughts and actions of an entire population. Much like a bully on the playground. This was the same spirit used by the federal government to justify a raid that had over 75 armed agents, dressed in Black and three helicopters shooting blindly into a building filled with men, women and children. On February 28th 1993 for over 45 minutes the madness went on and on. The BATF only stopped to negotiate a cease fire after they had run out of bullets. In contrast, Wayne Martin, a local attorney and member who was inside Mt. Carmel that day, called 911 and begged for a cease fire just after the first shots pierced the front door and killed the 5 dogs that were penned up at the front of the building. The BATF had no communication with the sheriffs department or emergency services and had to use a local press agents phone to negotiate a cease fire.  

Perry Jones, Peter Hipsman, Peter Gent, Jaydeen Wendel, Winston Blake and Michael Schroder were the members who lost their lives on that first day. February 28th, 1993. Their names will be included in the slide show memorial that is to follow. All of the other individuals that were killed on April 28th will be honored around the noon hour at the time the fire began 28 years ago today. 

This is the one time every year that we come together to honor those who had the faith and courage to stand and to die for what they believed in. Against un-surmountable odds, for 51 day’s the individuals of Mt. Carmel stood up to the oppressors that daily tried to provoke, taunt and demonize them through their lap dogs, the media. Yes, many lies and much blood are laid at the feet of the US media as well as their editors and the decision makers that gave orders from comfortable offices in Washington, DC. David used to say, often, that all will come out in the wash. At every step of the way it was the government agents and leaders that were the aggressors. From the BATF attack, through the siege to the setting up of loud tortuous sounds causing stress and sleep deprivation. The real child abuse was the military equipment that buzzed the house, destroyed the property and ran over Peter Gents grave at the front of the building. All acts of aggression perpetrated to illicit a violent responce from the people of Mt. Carmel who at no time during the siege fired at the agents or shot out the loud speakers. They showed ultimate discipline so they wouldn’t escalate the situation. 

From the CS Gassing of children, the real child abuse, to the destruction of the building by the tanks and their meaningless assurances, (This is not an assault, we are not entering the building, as a tank comes through the front door.) 

None of us can hide from the truth of our actions. You reap what you sow and you only have one lifetime to repent and confess what you have done.  You agents are running out of time. Unburden your soul and tell the truth. Bear witness to what you have done and confess it to your fellow countrymen. Some men living know who the individuals are that were shooting at the back of the building. Who made the decision to use pyrotechnic devices that final day? Many of you hold secrets, I appeal to you to confess them before it is too late for you. It is your only hope. I beg you to come forward now before your time runs out. It is now that the US Government needs to admit what they did, apologize and consider what steps need to be taken to move forward. Do the right thing. Confess and start to heal the Nation. This is the first step in bridging the divide between the two sides of this broken Country.  

I want to close by saying it was through incredible faith that the martyrs of Mt. Carmel showed the entire world that the word of God is more powerful than any bullet, Tank, Gas canaster or helicopter. They chose God over their oppressors who commanded them to do the impossible and come out to a hostile force that had already done so much damage to their reputation and property including the destruction of their very home. Who would want to come out to such a system of corruption and what kind of life could be hoped for. The people of Mt. Carmel will live forever while the names of their oppressors will be forgotten. Even their enemies stand in awe of what courage and sacrifice they made for the God of Israel and for their community.  I personally stand in awe of the sacrifice they made as I know that all of the other survivors stand in solidarity with me and with them. 

God bless all of you that hear these words and pray for this troubled Nation to see the error of it’s way. If we as a people do not put justice and love first then we will fail. The world is watching. Please treat your fellow man as you wish to be treated. Demand justice but don’t lower yourselves to violence. Be better than the system that destroyed Mt. Carmel and killed the beautiful people that lived there.