Somewhere between facts and contradictions, eyewitness accounts and lies, is the truth.
Follow your heart and you’ll find it.

Quotes compiled by Douglas Stockwell, Jr.

“I never really believed that the apocalypse was coming and the world was going to end. But all of a sudden the ATF showed up.”
Kevin Jones

“I was still in my pajamas and I was sitting on the top bunk. I was looking out the window and you just see all these black dots coming at you like little ants.”
Joann Vaega

“I looked out the window and saw tons of people in black clothes jumping out and running towards us with guns.”
Kathy Schroeder 

“Heard him (David) open the front door and next thing I hear him yelling out “Hey wait a minute, you know there’s women and children in here.” The minute David got shot, there were people that retaliated."
Clive Doyle 

“As soon as I got off my bed, a bullet had came straight through the wall.
Heather Jones

“All these bullets were coming through the window above my sons head. All the glass was falling on his face. All I could do was sit there and wonder what’s gonna happen next.”
Shelia Martin 

“I thought they were gonna come in and kill me at any second.”
David Thibodeau 

“There are men, 75 men around our building shooting at us! Yeah 75 men around our building and there shooting at us at Mt Carmel! Tell them there are children and woman in hear and to call it off!”
 Wayne Martin (911 Call)

February 28th 1993

Aftermath of the Raid

“A… are… are you gonna come in and kill me?”
Crystal Martinez 4, Murdered 4-19-93

“We’ll, I just wanted to say thanks a lot for killing my dad. He was… my dads name was Perry Jones. He was an unarmed man, and ah… you guys just shot through the door and killed him. Thanks a lot .”
Rachel Howell Koresh Murdered 4/19/93

“Being an American first. I’m the kinda guy that.. I’ll stand in front of a tank. You can run me over, but I’ll be biting one of the tracks. No one is gonna hurt me or my family.”
David Koresh Killed 4/19/93

“I mean… I thought this was the country of freedom of speech, freedoms of religion,  whatever… and just human decency. It just doesn’t seem to exist.”
Nichole Gent  Murdered 4/19/93

“Peter Gent was buried out front and the tanks ran over his grave.  Over and over and over again. Just totally like it wasn’t there, and they knew that’s were we buried him.”
David Thibodeau 

“We’re gonna be just fine because Gods in control.”
Scott Sonobe murdered 4/19/93

“If they thought that we were all brainwashed and such a bunch of crazies why would the FBI push David or the rest of us to the limit? Did they want to create an incident? Did they want us to come out crazy and start shooting so they had an excuse to gun us down? We didn’t know.”
Clive Doyle

“We have no one telling the world our side. Watching the lies the federal agents have told is astounding.” 
Kathy Schroeder 

“Why do you have the press so far back? You can give me any kind of crap you want! I know, you know! The reason we’re not talking to the press is you people gotta cover your butts from what you did! And that’s what’s goin’ on here!”
Steve Schneider died 4/19/93

“We’re all searching. We’re all searching for understanding.”
 David Jones murdered 4/19/93

“Hello? No, honey… nobody’s gonna come in and kill you.” 
Jim Cavenaugh 

“A woman.”
Serenity Sea Jones, 4 
(when asked by David Koresh, “What do you want to grow up to be.”) murdered 4/19/93

Theology and why we stayed

“David taught from the book. For better or worse.” 
David Thibodeau 

“So the thing that David could teach us was the harmonization is all the prophets in relation to the seals and the Bible.”
Ruth Ottman Riddle

“We enjoyed each other, we laughed with each other. Each person has their own personality and were able to give something to living there that I don’t think anyone else could imagine what it was like.”
Shelia Martin

“We had lots of fun at Mt Carmel. We had times of study, times with the children. Sometimes we would take the children on a nature walk and have great times with them. Sometimes we go jogging, we walk the perimeter for exercise. At times we had go cart races. We had fun, it was not only study.”
Annetta Richards

“I mean nothing to myself. I want to know what truth is, and I’m searching for it and if he happens to be the vehicle that shows me I thank God for him.”
David Jones, Murdered 4/19/93

“A lot of beliefs people have may seem abnormal or strange to other people. That doesn’t mean it’s not right though.”
David Koresh, killed 4/19/93

“If you study the scriptures you find out that Christ was the lamb and the lamb is the one that opens the Seven Seals.”
Catherine Matteson

“I was convinced that he was a man of God and that he was the one sent to open the seals. That’s why I’m here.”
 Annetta Richards

“Hey listen, I came here freely, I’m a free agent. I came by myself, I paid my own way. I came and went as I please and I’ve decided to stay as I please.”
Evette Fagen Murdered 4/19/93

“Everyone at Mt Carmel was free to leave. Though theologically the situation is complex. Yes you can jump out of Noah’s ark and onto land that’s fixing to be flooded. But everyone was free to leave. Some did.”
Dick Reavis 

“Why didn’t we come out? We didn’t come out because, look… we’re at our home and they came and shot at our women and children ya know our… us, they shot at us.”
 David Thibodeau 

“Don’t mourn for me, I’m alright. I’m alive I’m not dead. I’m serving a true and living God that sits on the throne, and if you do so you can’t die. So don’t mourn, God sits on the throne.”
 Doris Fagen,  murdered 4/19/93

This is not an assault

“The feds are preparing to kill them. That way they can bury there mistakes.”
Vic Feazell, Prosecutor Mcellen county 

“Steve, David, individuals inside the Branch Davidian compound. We are in the process of placing tear gas into the building. This is not an assault, this is not an assault.”
 FBI, 6am April 19, 1993

“Anytime you start the day by gassing women and children, you have to expect it to end badly.”
Westly Prudin, Washington Times columnist 

“Everybody grab your gas masks! Everybody grab your masks!” 
Steve Schneider died 4/19/93

“You had a bunch of women, children, elderly people. They were all good people. They had different beliefs then others. Different beliefs then I have, maybe different beliefs then you have in there way of life and especially in there religious beliefs. But basically they were good people.”
Jack Harwell Sheriff McLennan County

“Boot camp trainees are briefly exposed to a mild amount of CS for a few seconds. The Dravidian's received more then ten times that dosage for more then six hours.”
Waco: Rules of Engagement 

“I believe using C.S. gas against infants, against old people with respiratory problems. There were sixty, seventy year old men in there and there, and there were young children. That’s torture and I can just see those kids barfing, vomiting, screaming because you can’t possibly have a gas mask that will fit a little kid!”
Jack Zimmerman

“There would be coughing, choking. They’d probably be unconscious… ah, some would probably be dead, some would be basically inert. They may still be alive, they may still be breathing but there not going to be doing anything.”
Eric R Larson Ret Dow Fire Propagation and chemical anesthesiologist specialist 

“The gas supplies a number of irritants to the nostrils, to the eyes, to the skin. Just touching it to the skin can be extremely painful. You can have certain symptoms of nausea, you can have symptoms of inflammation in regards to the membranes. So it’s extremely uncomfortable.”
Waco: Rules of Engagement 

“We put massive gas in there. Their gas masks at that time had to be failing.”
 FBI Spokesman 

“By noon Mt Carmel was a tinderbox. A heavy layer of C.S. dust covered everything inside.”
Waco:  Rules of Engagement 

“We believed this thing had to be brought to a logical conclusion at some point. We NEVER fired one single round of ammunition.”
FBI Spokesman 

“We were told that they weren’t going to be shooting and yet there firing what amounted to be mortars or rockets at us. Ah, these ferret rounds that sounded like a mortar.”
Clive Doyle

“With respects to the use of military weapons these… uh, these pieces of equipment were unarmed as I understand it and were contracted… I mean, it was like a good Rent-a-Car, ah… they were…” 
Janet Reno

“A good Rent-a-Car? A tank going into a building?”
Sen Bill Zeliff

“The back of the gym was thoroughly destroyed and it greatly disturbed me. At that point I lost all hope. At twelve o’clock someone yelled from upstairs that there was a fire.”
David Thibodeau 

“The place was beginning to fill with black smoke and me and Scott we stood there by the stairs and there was this kind of a ball of fire with tremendous heat which caused us to jump back out of the way.” 
Derek Lovelock

“There came a point when my rolling on the floor and trying to protect myself from the heat and being in the pitch black not able to see that the voices of those behind me screaming…. Kind of got through to me. I recognized who they were, could identify the voices and it kinda galvanized me to just leap to my feet and jump or dive head first in the general direction of where I figured the hole was. When I stood up, skin was rolling of my hands. My coat was all melted on my back and smoking. I looked back over my shoulder and the hole I just came out was a mass of flames and the first thought that came to me was, am I the only one?”
Clive Doyle

“The fire was just going on and on and we realized nobody came out. Thinking maybe my husband didn’t get out but maybe my children got out. Horrible horrible way to die. I try not to think about it because I keep thinking at some point they felt all the heat. I kept thinking the people in the square, they were the ones who maybe, they probably cooked to death. I think it was to be this tragedy to show what kind of people we have as a government.”
Shelia Martin

“I made the decision, I’m accountable. The buck stops with me, and nobody ever accused me of running from a decision that I made based on the best information that I had. I don’t do spin stuff and I’m not distancing anybody from anything. I’m telling you exactly what happened.”
Janet Reno

“Surprise would be a mild word, uh… to say that anyone that would suggest that the attorney general should resign because some religious fanatics murdered themselves.” 
President Bill Clinton

David Koresh and the Dravidian's set fire to themselves and committed suicide, government did not do that.”
Joseph P. Biden  U.S Senate Delaware

“No sir, not throughout the entire stand off.”
Larry Potts Former FBI Asst Director (when asked if the FBI fired one single shot)

“They didn’t view themselves as a cult. They viewed themselves as highly religious people.” 
Dick DeGuerin

“Without a correct understanding of the Branch Davidian’s religious faith, law enforcement was operating in a vacuum. They were not able to perceive the meaning of the religious language the Branch Davidian’s were using. They weren’t able to understand the actions that the Branch Davidian’s took. They were not able to know which precise course of action that would be of more value then another course of action, and they were unable to know which particular steps could precipitate disaster. Had they had the knowledge of the religious faith of the Branch Davidian’s this story could’ve ended in a much better and happier way.”
Phil Arnold 1995

“I see where this is going to be an endless thing.”
David Burns Cpt Texas Rangers Ret 1994

“I cover Waco in some of my classes to this day but most of my students born around the millennium do not remember that fateful monday morning in 1993 outside Waco, Texas”
James Tabor 2020

“I miss them, but I know I’ll see them again.”
Bonnie Haldeman 1994 

“If we forget, there’s gonna be a sad history to America. America demands we remember what happened here!”
Ruth Ottman Riddle 1994